I invite you to practice these stitches and put your imagination to work and make different designs.
Part 1 (6 stitches)
1. Cable Stitch
2. Honeycomb
3. Stem Stitch
4. Double Stem Stitch / Alternate Stem Stitch
5. Cable Stitch Wave
6. Cable Stitch Wave with tip
Part 2 (10 stitches)
7. Diamond Stitch
8. Chevron diamond
9. 2-Step, one row trellis
10. 2-Step, one row trellis (mirrored)
11. 3-Step, one row trellis
12. 3-Step, one row trellis (mirrored)
13. Crossover wave (half)
14. Crossover wave
15. Full-space trellis: 5-step, one row trellis
16. Bullion Stitch
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